We know you have many questions, you will find the answer to the most common queries right here. If you have a question that is not on this list then please call or email and we will get back to you ASAP.

What to wear?

We recommend clothes suitable for a walk in the country depending on the time of year and on the specific day you are flying.

Generally warm, comfortable layers are a good idea, plus a cap for the warmth from the burners. Depending on conditions, you may be walking in wet, muddy fields so sensible shoes or trainers you don't mind getting a little dirty are essential.
How long is the experience?

The flight is for at least an hour, the entire experience lasts around 4 hours.
What time do we meet?
A great question! A morning flight in the summer months, depending upon the weather, wind, heat etc, means a meet time of between 6AM and 7AM. In the evenings it will be around 6PM.
Is it cold up there?
It is not actually very cold. Firstly, we have a huge patio heater above our heads, so a hat is a great idea. We are drifting with the wind, so you will feel no wind at all and therefore no wind chill.
Who can fly?

Generally, anyone can fly in a balloon. You need to be able to climb in and out of the basket, stand unassisted for an hour and be able to bend your knees and hold on for landing. Passengers must also be able to fully understand and follow all instructions given by the pilot.

Unfortunately for safety reasons we cannot fly you if you are pregnant. You must not fly if you are suffering from any significant medical condition or if you have recently undergone major surgery. We require you to tell us about any medical or physical condition that could be considered to affect your safety.

Is ballooning safe?
Hot air ballooning is very safe. It is a highly regulated activity with strict safety guidelines. We are licensed by the CAA to operate balloons and your pilot holds a full commercial pilot's licence. The modern up to date equipment is serviced and maintained by qualified engineers to ensure the highest standards of safety for all of our passengers.

What is the landing like?

More often than not the landings are calm and gentle but sometimes on landing the basket can tip and/or drag along before coming to rest. This is how balloons have been landing for over 200 years and is perfectly normal. The landings are exciting and many people say it is their favourite part of the flight. Rest assured, we will never fly in unsuitable conditions. Wind speed is often the main reason to cancel, safety is paramount and our highest priority.